Gymnastic and Dance Community


I am a part of multiple communities, some of which are, the dance and gymnastics community. I participate in these communities almost every week and these two hobbies are my life aside from school. The dance and gymnastics communities have many differences and similarities at the same time. Even though they are so different being a part of both communities allows me to become both a better gymnast and dancer.

Gymnastics and dance are marvelous communities to be a part of especially if you can use them both as a way to become an excellent gymnast and/or dancer. There are an immense amount of gymnasts in the gymnastics community all around the world. Since the community is so large we can all come together to improve our skills, create, and learn new ones. Gymnastics also allows you to work as a team and create friendships that will last a life time. It can also make you stronger not just physically, but mentally as well. In the sense that learning so many skills you learn some words from many different languages that you probably would not have learned in school.

In comparison the dance community is much larger than the gymnastics community even though there are thousands of people apart of the gymnastics community. Almost every little girl has been to a dance class at least once in their life and this is one of the main reasons the dance community is so large. Another reason being the fact that almost everyone can dance even if it’s not the best or has no technicality at all, if you can move your feet or your hands, you can most likely dance. The dance community also has many communities within the community. What I mean by this is that there are many genres of dance that can be split in to different groups or communities.

I feel that I can be split up into multiple communities within the dance community, such as hip hop, jazz, ballet, tap, and acrobatics (which is mainly where gymnastics ties in to dancing). In the dance community you can also learn new languages as well as new skills and fun while doing it.  Both the gymnastics and dance communities are alike in numerous ways and different, but that is why I enjoy both of the communities so much.